
life is hard + burned, 1985/1987
Super classic sounding Canadian hardcore in the vein of early RKL | Dr Know. FRESH THRASHING BREAK-NECKING ZERRRR!R!R!R !R!R !R! R!RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !R!RR!R! R! !R!! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vinyl rip:
life is hard… then you die:
it’s all hype / coke is it / pseudo punk / only a fool / cigarette head / i wanna be neil / violent nature / tradition / generic placebo // time & cash / amputee hop / overreact / you slay me / o’canada / ode to larry / superpowers / real eyes

life is hard… then you die / free trade / dutch pig / sick side show / chants / asshole at large / wipeout / scumtongue / intermission // have you seen nicole? / burned / insecurity / our glass / need a handgun / white disease / the fix / they do as they please

Hype on KFTH

2 thoughts on “Hype

  1. Fuck this shit is absolutely AWESOME !!!!!!!

    Makes me feel like 17



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