Rest In Pieces

nose (demo) + 7″ + my rage, 1987 FIXED
under my skin, 1990
With people from Sick of It All, this is of course classic NYHC, although the last album is a great piece of hard rock too. Short and fast primitive thrash AND SORE NECK GROOVES OF ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!R !R !R!RR! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !R! R!R !R!R !R! R! R!RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !R! R! R!R !RR!RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!
CD rip except LP rip from under my skin:
Five Golden Rings
Forty Years Of Injustice
Under My Skin
I Got The Fire
Cries Of The Ghetto
Right Through Me
Hooked Up
No Mans Land

NB: yes “I got the fire” is a cover of the same Montrose classic as on the newest Whiplash. Zer!

yes it’s a Pushead cover.

8 thoughts on “Rest In Pieces

  1. “under my skin” is a very fucking boring piece of shit! I remember buying it because of the SOIA link but… what a disappointment! Don't waste your time! I haven't heard those earlier recordings though, so hopefully they have some balls, but i'm not holding my breath! Alot of NYHC is rather fucking average. So-called “Legends” such as Killing Time, Warzone, etc produced very fucking average recordings. Maybe if they spent less time bro-ing down, hugging each other and more time rocking… the records might have some energy to 'em! Twats!



  2. I agree that most of NYHC is just a pain in the ear, I am really not a fan of Youth of Today, Bold, Warzone of Killing Time. You won't see them on this blog, anyway I sold all these records…
    But I love rest In Pieces and “under my skin” is GREAT! Anyway this lp does sound hard rock and not NYHC…


  3. I think real GREAT NYCH bands are:
    Major Conflict
    Urban Waste
    Cause for Alarm
    The Abused
    Big Sniff
    Heart Attack
    Gorilla Biscuits


  4. Geographically all right, and also in my case the fantastic Ludichrist and Crumbsuckers and NYC Mayhem and a bunch of others.
    At the same time your list is not the typical list of the trend designated by NYHC (that Youth of Today|Warzone|Cro-Mags square sound).


  5. Well, what's NYHC ? When I was 16 or 17 years old, I was into Metal/Crosssover, back in the Mid-80s in Germany. At that time I thought NYHC bands where S.O.D., Anthrax, Overkill and Nuclear Assault. They were using the typical NYHC sign and S.O.D. had that backcover in front of the C.B.G.B.s. Most bands considered to be NYHC these days didn't even exist at that time. I used to write the NYHC sign on my school books, on the toilet and everywhere else. For me, all the listed bands are NYHC, I refuse to see bands like Sick of It All, Madball, Hatebreed or Warzone as 'the only' NYHC bands, for me that's just boring stupid shit…


  6. I completely agree with you, it's just that when reviews where mentioning 'NYHC' to classify a record, you could be sure it would be a sub-Warzone or sub-Bold or other replica of the 'youth crew' sound.
    But yeah, I had 'NYHC' written all over my textbooks too, because Ludichrist, Urban Waste or Damage were so damn hot!!!


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