Crown Of Thornz

Train Yard Blues, 1995
Mentally Vexed, 1996
It’s always satisfying to make fun of proselyte NYHC and black metal (108 vs. Marduk vs. Bold vs. Hecate Enthroned – fight in the mud zer!), but here we get something seriously amazing from the second (or third…) wave of NYHC. Powerful mid-tempo classy, dark, metallic hardcore grooving through sticky riffs, this stuff sounds very close to my heroes the magnificent Mindwar, with some Mind Over Matter | Die 116 | Orange 9mm and a bit of The Icemen with the spirit of Negative Male Child. Yes, only the cream of that post-NYHC crowd!!
Mentally Vexed features a Kraut cover (Unemployed).
CD rip, mcd without tags :

Train Yard Blues:
Juggenaut 5:00
Head Check 3:12
Mental Masquerade 3:02
Crown Of Thorns 4:10
Feelings 5:27

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