Death Vomit + Uttertomb

Uttertomb - Necrocentrism - 2012
Uttertomb, Death Vomit - Coaligation Of Pest - 2013
Death Vomit - Gutted By Horrors - 2014
01. Uttertomb – Necrocentrism, 2012 CD EP Limited Edition
     Apocalyptic Productions – AP 003
02. Uttertomb, Death Vomit – Coaligation Of Pest, 2013 CD
     Veins Full Of Wrath – Veins 004 , Compilation
     Contains 8 songs by: Uttertomb, Death Vomit
03. Death Vomit – Gutted By Horrors, 2014 CD Album
     Xtreem Music – XM 151 CD
Chilean death terror! Into the swamps of zer. Thickness of slowly grinding slabs of boiling tar. Density of sizeable black meat with giant molars to your bones. Autopsy of the Carcass after Death. Into The Grave. Metal up your zombie! Exploding heads in slimy open graves! Demoniac explosion of zer!
Remove brackets and unzip: [coagulizer]
!ZER Uttertomb,Death Vomit ZER!

Beware of Internet Global Warming!

2 thoughts on “Death Vomit + Uttertomb

  1. Thank you! Never heard Uttertomb. Speaking of Chilean metal – how come the only place I've seen Procession mentioned is your site? Those two albums are great, better than the likes of much hyped Doomsword or Lamented Souls etc. Seems to be a disproportionate amount of cool metal bands from Chile, is Tom Araya a national folk hero or something?


  2. Yeah Procession is the best doom metal I have heard in two decades. Crypt Sermon are extra excellent too, but Procession have been the absolute kings since Solitude Aeternus and Candlemass died…


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