Thrash metal duet: new releases of Assassin and Korzus

Assassin – Breaking The Silence, 2011
Korzus – Discipline OF Hate, 2010 (Brazil version, no bonus track)
Ach ja! German 80s thrash metal from 2011! The legendary Assassin return 6 years after The Club, which was very good, with this angrier, darker, faster and generally more intense and better produced release. Breaking The Silence is still no match for the über top-class frantic murderous thrash metal masterpiece that Interstellar Experience was and still is, but in this modernized straightforward thrash sound and style, I like it 4198 times more than the abysmally disappointing new Tankard album Vol(l)ume 14. As hot as the new Sodom! Maybe even better… And it ends with a great cover of the mega hit I Like Cola from Japan’s monster Outo!!!! That alone is worth the investment. Grand bravo Assassin!
Buy Breaking the Silence from the band MySpace

Ach ja! Brazilian 80s thrash metal from 2010! The legendary Korzus return 6 years after Ties Of Blood with A MONSTER OF AN ALBUM, if you love Slayer. Discipline Of Hate is not influenced by Slayer, it IS Slayer. But the mimic is not a big problem (for me…) as this record is so energetic and well done. If Christ Illusion and World Painted Blood are recurring entries in your playlist, try Discipline Of Hate!
Buy Discipline Of Hate


and thrash til zeRRRrRRrRRRRRrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrR!R!!R !R !R! R! R! R! !!R ! !! R! R! R! !RR


The Upcoming Terror, 1986
Interstellar Experience, 1988
The Assassin… Live Forever, 1987 (released in 2003)
The Club, 2005
Yesssssssss another reload and zer agregator of first class 80s German speed metal! The almighty Assassin lives forever as the maker of the incredibly super-powered Holy-Terror-matching zergasmic top thrash album Interstellar Experience, let’s proselytize with a healthy CD rip and an added live CD that sounds like a good bootleg (but they’re fast!!) Awesome tons of super thrashing zerRrRrRRrrrRrRrR!!!!RrrRR!!R!!!R!RrRRr!!!!
CD rip.

Assassin website
Assassin on MySpace


Assassin – interstellar experience + upcoming terror, Germany 1986/1988
The world-(no, UNIVERSE!) famous German speed metal scene produced its incredible share of cult bands, and few of them deliver the climaxing thrash of Assassin – who sound like the right mix of Slayer and Tankard. These 2 albums are unbelievable monsters, especially “Interstellar Experience” who still beats and ridicules 99% of the current thrash releases (only Evile may try to compete). THIS IS HYPRA FAST THRASHING HEADBANZER!!! ZZZZZZZERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
Vinyl rip. I need the CDs, zer!!!
Assassin on Encyclopaedia Metallum