
D.O.A., Jello Biafra - Last Scream Of The Missing Neighbors 1989
D.O.A. - Murder. 1990
D.O.A. - 13 Flavours Of Doom 1992
D.O.A. - Loggerheads 1993
01. D.O.A., Jello Biafra – Last Scream Of The Missing Neighbors, 1989 CD Album
     Alternative Tentacles – VIRUS 78CD
02. D.O.A. – Murder., 1990 CD Album
     Restless Records – LS 9413 2
03. D.O.A. – 13 Flavours Of Doom, 1992 CD
     Alternative Tentacles – VIRUS 117CD
04. D.O.A. – Loggerheads, 1993 CD
     Alternative Tentacles – VIRUS 130CD
After 6 years of zer, this is the 1st DOA post. It may seem strange, since DOA are that classic punk band from 1980, therefore I should worship them as much as Bad Brains and co. But i just don’t care about DOA. I worship the Freeze instead. Blasphemy! Yes, but it explains why I can only post these 4 albums: over the years I sold “Hardcore 1981”, the Party album etc. These are the dust-collecting remains of my DOA collection, don’t ask for the older or newer stuff. I actually never heard anything from them after 1993.
That’s all I can do for the DOA request, sorry.
PS: I don’t care about the Damned either.
Remove brackets and unzip: [pink plunk pank]
Joy and wonder! Yesterday I paid for a movie ticket and got 200% satisfaction! Incredible! Dead Snow 2 is a terrific experience – movie of the year! If you liked Iron Sky, do not miss Dead Snow 2.

And just in case, still in the zombie department, watch and re-watch La Horde. This complete classic from 2009 puts to shame any zombie thing since the Romero days. This is brutal and intense, not the tired Walking Dead.

Jello Biafra & NoMeansNo & Melvins & D.O.A. & Lard

Jello Biafra & D.O.A. – last scream of the missing neighbors, 1990
Jello Biafra & NoMeansNo – the sky is falling and I want my mommy, 1991
Jello Biafra & The Melvins – Never Breathe What You Can’t See, 2004
Lard – the power of lard, 1989
Lard – the last temptation of reid, 1990
Lard – pure chewing satisfaction, 1997
DKs tributes (Virus 100), 1992
Now step back and admire the monumental production of Jello Biafra outside of the DKs, and this is not all of it (there are at least another record with the Melvins and a 1 second song with the Endless Blockade, and I think I heard him on one RDP song too, and also on a recent Napalm Death record – please add your knowledge on Biafra releases and collaborations in the comments). Sure, Henry Rollins has also released spoken albums and appears on a Hard Ons record, but Jello Biafra beats him and he is more handsome anyway, and he does not run a TV program, and he does not play humiliating short roles in very bad movies, and he does not wear a cyclist outfit on stage.
The almost sad thing here is that all these collaborative records are better than any DK album. That’s my opinion and I agree with it. These incredible records all have stunningly powerful classic hardcore punk thrashing zerism from more than legendary bands magnified by outstanding raw & in your face recording production, of course boosted by the unlimited talent of Biafra’s killer lyrics and singing. You can’t get more surgically ironic – ah wait, there is this unbelievable NoMeansNo DK cover on the DK tribute which beats the whole thing to a pulp. It’s even better than the Napalm Death and Sepultura covers from the same disc.
Lard on Wikipedia
Biafra/D.O.A. “last screams” on Wikipedia
Biafra/NoMeansNo “the sky” on Wikipedia
Biafra/Melvins “never breathe” on Wikipedia
Now click and buy all these incredible records directly from the source!!! shit they even have reissued the Th’Inbred records!!! ZERRRRRRRRRRRR!R!R!R!R ! R! R! R! R! R! R! R!RRR R!R R RRR !!!!!! R! R! !R R! R! !R R RRR R!R! ! R! ! !!! I’m ordering now.

Singe ajoute :

Jello Biafra + the Melvins – sieg howdy, 2005
Buy it!

Fix of song 6 from Lard “chewing” : Lard – Pure Chewing Satisfaction – 06 – Peeling Back The Foreskin Of Liberty.mp3

And now for something completely different : for the past few days I’ve been zering on the happy fields of the internet with this new Iron browser. It obviously uses less CPU and runs faster than the average Firefox, it sounds like half of Iron Maiden and seems to be less intrusive or eager to report your internet habits to google. Anyway the window is larger with fewer buttons, zer.