Face Value

The Price Of Maturity + Coming Of Age, 1990/1991
Kick it Over, 1993
Choices, 1994
Classic-sounding hardcore, mostly of the SSD | Insted | Uniform Choice sort. You’ve heard this before but these guys do (did) it really well! The 3 albums rock til you drop: the 1st one is the fast, straight-forward killer shit you’d expect, loaded with high energy, excellent arrangements, way above average musicians and excellent production. I’ll take this over anything from Integrity. The 3rd album is a bit quieter on the same front, more punk rock, very good too. But my precious here is their 2nd MASTERPIECE of a rock album Kick It Over! This one is an awesome evolution from their earlier sound filled with massive hard rock segments (there is a 7 minutes long song) and amazing solos, it’s almost prog – augmented with this totally great Black Sabbath “Mob Rules” cover, top zer version!
CD rip. There is a 4th album from 1999 titled Never Stray, I never heard it, links are appreciated.

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