
Power Methan (demo), 2003
S12 (2nd press with 4 bonus), 2004
Meat, 2005
Only Meat Israel…, 2006
Fleischkraft, 2007
President Camacho – Zer (3″ ashtray MCD), 2008
President Camacho – Libido Of The Living Dead, 2009
Peace Of Meat, 2010 Read a review here
Shameless self promotion post! Spam goes like this: my fortunate position here is head of bone-bass department + some vocals + sound production in the mountain of doom that goes by the name of CortisoL (and September 12, and Dentïst, and by inbreeding contagion President Camacho). We just finished the production and released our very new and very best album Peace Of Meat (this is the result of the Week of Doom).
I’ll just reload the whole CortisoL catalog, including last year’s President Camacho’s piece of zer (because PC = CortisoL + Seb of Quebec’s grinders Fistfuck + D7i Records and Max from Montreal’s major headache The Discord Of A Forgotten Sketch). The first President Camacho release is the legendary 10 songs Zer CD ashtray, totally sold out.
Dentïst is the other name we took to play thrashing metalized punk sludge in ’06/’07. The change of band name seems now moot and pointless. We probably tried to be strategists in our marketing… We did Fleischkraft and half of Only Meat Israel… under that name.
September 12 was our first moniker, we recorded the Power Methan demo and then an album called CortisoL, then decided it was cooler to use CortisoL as the name (this is the S12 album).
Peace Of Meat was released this week on Monday as a limited series of 100 digipaks, with the fantastic artwork of Ruedi Schorno – thanks a million times Ruedi! Peace Of Meat conducts 71 minutes and 30 seconds of carnal doom and sludge, including an Eisenvater ‘Fleisch’ cover. The CD does sound better – larger | heavier – than the mp3s. The doom plague needs more space than the mp3 treatment…
I also just found some more copies (shrink wrapped!) hidden in a hidden box of the other releases so for the plastic junkies, let’s make good use of all this solidified petroleum in our supermarket:

CortisoL – Peace of Meat CD – 2010 Digipak – $20

CortisoL – Only Meat Israel… – 2006 CD – $10

President Camacho – Libido Of The Living Dead – 2009 CD – $15

All 3 CDs above – $25

CortisoL – T-shirt (S, M and a very few L) – $20

Dollars include shipping anywhere. The other CDs are out of print but copies are still floating around on various distros. The metal-cases editions of Fleischkraft and S12 are totally not available anywhere.

On MySpace
President Camacho
On MySpace
Also check out Pierre Luc (CortisoL’s drummer)’s wacky project Noia

Marielle does the Fleisch chorus and has very nice tits. Bravo Marielle.

President Camacho – libido of the living dead

President Camacho – libido of the living dead, 2009
It’s Springtime. It is the time for grindcore, doom, thrash, punk, death and taxes. PRESIDENT CAMACHO, Montreal’s smoldering best answer to nothing in particular, are proud, joyful and almost erect to announce the fresh release of the brand new 2009 album “Libido of the living dead”. Zer.
You may buy/trade a copy of the CD through or rather ruin the entire music industry by downloading it. You may also pay for the same download through our money black hole and this is excellent because I like money.
Check the rectangle website for more crunchy details, our brand new photo section and the red and black flyers for the shows with Brutal Truth in Montreal (1er Mai) & Québec (2 Mai).
Fuck yeah, this is the band (one of 3) I play the bass in ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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master rip
1000 % DIY !!! Fuck you Jake Shut.